I have no clue u mean the game halo?
Magnetic compass, caravel, astrolabe, sextant, and Mercator’s projection to make it possible for the exploration to happen
Apartheid was a South African system of segregation by race.
Under this system many people of African decent faced discriminatory and oppressive political and economic practices.
C) All factors other than the price of bananas (for example, consumer tastes and incomes) are assumed to be constant
When developing an economic model, only a limited number of variables can be taken into account for the sake of simplicity and understanding. Economic models never give a full picture of reality, only an approach.
The economic model alluded in the question is perhaps the most famous of all: the supply and demand model. It tells us that, assuming all else constant, the higher price, the less quantity is demanded, and the lower the price, the more quantity is demanded.