<u>a. unconditioned stimulus- extremely hot water.</u>
<u>b. unconditioned response- excruciating pain.</u>
<u>c. neutral stimulus that becomes conditioned stimulus- toilet flush.</u>
<u>d. conditioned response- leaping out of the shower.</u>
<u>In psychology, the terms mentioned below are the core most parts of the classical conditioning theory which was proposed by Ivan Pavlov, a great psychologist.</u>
<u>Unconditioned stimulus:</u> It is defined as a stimulus that triggers a response unconditionally or naturally.
<u>Unconditioned response:</u> It is defined as an "unlearned response" that ought to occur unconditionally in regards to an "unconditioned stimulus".
<u>Conditioned stimulus:</u> It is defined as a formerly "neutral stimulus" that gives rise to conditioned response after connecting with an unconditioned stimulus.
<u>Conditioned response:</u> It is defined as a response that is being elicited when a neutral stimulus becomes connected with an unconditioned stimulus.
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