How many syllables in alteration? 4 syllables
Divide alteration into syllables: al-ter-a-tion
Primary syllable stress: al-ter-a-tion
Secondary syllable stress: al-ter-a-tion
How to pronounce alteration: awl-ter-ey-shun
Look it up online it should tell you
Answer: “C” is the answer bc the answer is “the production of goods”
According to the theory of psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, these individuals experience "despair".
Erik Erikson believed that if we look at our lives as inefficient, feel coerce about our past, or feel that we didn't achieve our life objectives, we wind up disappointed with life and create despair, regularly prompting gloom and misery.
Direct examination
Direct examination and cross-examination are a technique that is used by health mental experts. It is an examination of a patient. The psychologist, psychiatrist, and doctors observe the patient and help the patient in that context. All expert has a specific quality through which they treat their patients. In the direct examination, patient-doctor rapport establishes and they can observe their patient and listen to their thought carefully.
Anna Sues Whitney. Here Anna's doctor has to be a witness in the witnessed stand. This is called direct examination.