In this unit, you worked with geometric proofs. A proof is a logical sequence of justified conclusions that lead from a hypothes
is to a final conclusion. In your opinion, why are mathematical proofs important? Suppose that a conclusion within a proof isn’t justified or is inaccurate. In geometry, what might be the consequences of the inaccuracy?
Now think about different kinds of proofs that take place outside the world of geometry, and list a few examples. What might be the consequences of having an unjustified conclusion surface in such proofs? Who might be affected and how?
Mathematical proofs are important in a sense that it give the rational justification of a proof based on calculations and not simply on observations. Other important fact that, there would be no deviation of results when proved with mathematics. Hence to get reliable results about any theory, it is important to incorporate mathematical validation in them
If the proof has no mathematical validation, the results might get compromised under repeated observations
One example of a proof is that when a train is passing near a person, the person would be pulled towards the train, but how much pull would not be known unless mathematically evaluated
Not only in mathematics, scientific proof also are required in the other field of science. Also maths proofs are of particular structure, containing steps and logics. So proving is like doing science, it is science. That's why it is important to prove.