When an instructor listens carefully to your question in class, he or she is using acknowledgment.
The instructor is acknowledging that you are speaking and that you are interesting in knowing the answer to your question. He or she is not irritable, but rather patient with you and listens without interrupting you.
John Locke emphasized "life, liberty and property" as primary. However, despite Locke's influential defense of the right of revolution, Thomas Jefferson substituted "pursuit of happiness" in place of "property" in the United States Declaration of Independence.
The pitcher had thrown the ball many times.
Answer: The correct answer is A TECHIQUE
Explanation: A technique is a skilful or efficient way of achieving something especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.
Successful leaders have different techniques they apply in coordinating their teams and achieving good results.
Because there is a difficulty in quantifying, putting in numbers, the value of community and cooperative organizations. So the conclusion is simple: If you can not quantify you can not measure and if there is difficulty in quantifying, there is the same difficulty in measuring.