El derecho a la vida se exige constantemente, a través del propio ejercicio de este derecho. A su vez, el ejercicio del derecho a la vida como derecho natural inherente a todo ser humano se da a través del ejercicio de los otros dos derechos naturales fundamentales: la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. Así, el derecho a la vida se exige viviendo plenamente, en libertad y buscando constantemente la felicidad propia y de nuestros seres queridos.
A su vez, el derecho a la vida también se exige incluyendo el respeto por este derecho en leyes fundamentales como constituciones nacionales y tratados de derechos humanos, que reconozcan este derecho como esencial a la condición humana.
Federal judges are judges who serve in a federal court. The term refers both to the Article III federal judges and to Article I federal judges, who serve as magistrate and bankruptcy judges, and in other Article III tribunals.
Federal judges are nominated by the president of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. The various steps to the process is given below:
- The president nominates an candidate for a judicial seat.
- The candidate fills out a questionnaire which is reviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
- The <em>Senate Judiciary Committee </em>holds a hearing with the candidate, interviewing he or her about things like their judicial philosophy, past rulings or opinions, and ideas about certain areas of Law;
- As part of this process, the committee sends a blue slip to senators from the home state in which the judicial election was received, allowing them to indicate whether or not they approve of the candidate
4. After the hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote to approve or return the candidate;
- If approved, the candidate is voted on by the full Senate.
- If the Committee votes to return the candidate to the president, the president has the opportunity to re-nominate the individual.
5. The Senate holds a vote on the candidate.
- If the Senate confirms the nomination, the nominee receives a commission to serve a lifelong position as a Federal Judge.
- If the Senate does not confirm the nomination, that candidate does not become a judge.
someone calls 911 the law enforment, then depening on the situation they call the fire demarment or the ambulance or a police officer goes to the location