Family size might adversely affect the production of child quality within a family. ... Controlling for parental family income, parental age at birth and family level attributes, we find that children from larger families have lower levels of education and that there is in addition a separate negative birth order effect.
Companies like Uber and Airbnb uses this kind of economic model. For Uber Taxi, unlike the traditional taxis that are owned by companies, the customers/passengers are serviced by private drivers who owned the cars used. For Airbnb, it allows customers/vacationers to rent a place or a room owned by private individuals compared to hotels or resorts which are owned by companies or corporations.
People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that’s not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven’t forgotten.
The Gobi desert is in northern China and southern Mongolia. The two countries the Gobi desert is in is China and Mongolia.