Answer: I would say that it can be a an example of counterculture since it shows different points of view according to different cultural standards.
Scholars such as Joanne Martin and Caren Siehl, deem counterculture and cultural development as "a balancing act, [that] some core values of a counterculture should present a direct challenge to the core values of a dominant culture". Therefore, a prevalent culture and a counterculture should coexist in an uneasy symbiosis, holding opposite positions on valuable issues that are essentially important to each of them. According to this theory, a counterculture can contribute a plethora of useful functions for the prevalent culture, such as "articulating the foundations between appropriate and inappropriate behavior and providing a safe haven for the development of innovative ideas".
Los Diez Mandamientos de Hombres Libres fue una proclama publicada por el Dr. Ramón Emeterio Betances en noviembre de 1867 con el fin de alentar a los puertorriqueños a aspirar a la independencia del dominio colonial español.
i don't understand what is it
c. belief in reincarnation