Heavy city traffic
Noise pollution is caused by excessive and unwanted sound that causes the sound problem. The high level of heavy traffic, noise and disrupt distract. It affects the deleterious effect on the health and environmental quality. Most of the people think that this is the problem occurring with only those people who are living in big cities.
There are different type of resources that cause noise pollution:
- Traffic and transport
- The constructions noise
- The workplace noise
- Domestic place noise
The therapist understands the behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior.
The therapist understanding of behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior will lead to therapeutic success because:
1. It will empower him to know what evidence-based treatments; that is, proven methods and techniques of treatments to use.
2. It will help administer behavioral counselling and guide to patients.
3. It will lead to targetted and reasonable treatment time frame.
4. It will eliminate complications that might occur during therapy.
St. Helen was the most , what kind of volcanic eruption was that?
Think: a. Plinian
Rice is not from the resource of iraq