this will tend to worsen the country's terms of trade.
We can imagine a country C whose main export is cloth. Currently country C is gaining from its trade because its opportunity cost of producing cloth is very low.
Since the country's economy is growing strongly because its cloth exports re growing, this will appreciate the country's currency. As the country's currency appreciates, is domestic cost of producing cloth will get closer to the world price of cloth.
This will result in an increase in the cost of exports and a decrease in the price of imports, which will end up hurting the country's economy and it will weaken its trade position.
Something similar happens to countries that rely heavily on exporting commodities. The country's economy grows, but the other industries suffer and eventually the cost of producing commodities increases, and the benefits gained from exports decrease. E.g. during several years Argentina's economy grew strongly solely based on exporting agricultural products. Soon inflation started to rise and the costs of producing agricultural products increased, lowering the gains of trade. Since the rest of the economy relied on the benefits generated by exporting soybean oil, corn and other byproducts, when those benefits decreased, the whole economy collapsed. It was like a giant exporting bubble.
The words psychodynamic and psychoanalytic are often confused. Remember that Freud's theories were psychoanalytic, whereas the term 'psychodynamic' refers to both his theories and those of his followers. Freud's psychoanalysis is both a theory and therapy.
For the financial period of 2016-2017, the percentage tariff increase Nersa has granted to Eskom is 9.4%. This is relatively low compared to the proposed tariff increases in the few previous years.
is relative percentage in which a company sells its multiple products.
Sales mix is method use in calculating thee each unit/proportion of goods that are sale in the company relatively to the total sales. Whenever there is a change in the sales mix of a firm, then the profit change, sales mix helps to know which particular product sells more than the other one in the should be noted that sales mix is relative percentage in which a company sells its multiple products.
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