money needed and job or type of employment
Many factors can be mentioned yet when considering to buy something usually money and job are key factors.
Trade-offs are also present in any decision:
Claud will consider how much money will cost and if the trade-off of buying the car will in the mid-long term compensate if she needs to restrain from buying other things and or begin saving for it gradually.
She will inevitably be unable to buy other things while that goal is in mind.
In some other cases, she can take into account if the need is real, and if the job or current activity she carries on will be overall improved by buying the car.
Answer: A
The answer is A: the purpose of the colonies was to economically benifit the mother country.
You are surveying 2000 people.
The correct answer is Paul's attitude toward the film will get more extreme after he thinks about it.
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