The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded with the goal of "liberation of Palestine through armed struggle.", although it has officially ceased employing violence since 1993 through UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, part of the Oslo Accords. The organization was first created in 1964 due to territorial disputes between Palestinians and Israelis which date back to the early 20th century.
The PLO desires to claim back the territory Palestine possessed before the 1947 UN Partition Plan which led to the Arab-Israeli War, The Six-Day War, The First & Second Infantada
, and further conflicts between both parties. They also wish to restore the Palestinian population that resided in these territories prior to the 1948 Palestinian Exodus, a product of the UN Partition Plan which forced thousands of Palestinians to flee their homes as now they were in Israeli territory.
In summary, the Palestinians claim to have been forced out of their homeland unjustly by the Israelis and claim the after-mentioned territories to be theirs.
Also, it's worthy to note that, per the Palestinian National Covenant, the PLO isn't affiliated with any religion. On the other hand, Hamas, the other mayor Palestinian organization, is an Islamic fundamentalist militant organization and has carried out targeted attacks on Israel and its inhabitants.
Hope this helps.
The number 1A1 represents Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. It was the site of a surprise attack by the Japanese military in 1941 that led to the United States' entrance into World War II. Hawaii became a state in 1959.
Hope this helps ;-))
because of it's large size,
The one that was a national study of police practice is :
crime stoppers
It's a non profit organization working with the law enforcement
hope this helps
I believe the most important thing would be how long it would take him to get to work everyday.
I say that because depending on how much time it would take would either determine how much later or earlier Jamie would have to wake up.