Studies have established that the number of youthful offenders who formally enter the justice system is l<u>arge</u> in comparison with the total number of violations committed by juveniles.
According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, as at 2018, about 2.1 million juveniles were arrested and about 1.7 million entered the justice system. The number of juveniles who enter the justice system large compared to to the number of juvenile arrest for violations.
The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation towards employment conditions, human rights, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always clear cut. There are situations whereby the host nations standards are inferior to those of the home nations, this results in ethical issues and there are also situations where the available standards of the host nation are not ethically acceptable resulting in ethical dilemmas. It necessary to note that different countries have their different standards when it comes to employment conditions, human rights and environmental pollutions, this makes it difficult to have a clear cut obligations for multinational corporations, their standards and obligations will vary according to what is prevailing in the host nation.
" if he had been left to himself " is a subordinate clause because it does not form a complete cannot stand by itself
A person who feels very good after receiving a compliment, but very bad after being insulted, would sore high on measures of
<u> "self-esteem variability".</u>
The connection of self-esteem variability to identity, state of mind, and conduct was explored. Self-esteem variability was estimated by figuring the standard deviation of self-appraisals made amid seven days of experience-examining. Members high in self-esteem variability were reluctant, socially on edge, and avoidant of social settings. Confidence fluctuation was mostly free of the theoretically comparative attribute of affect-intensity.