<span>Ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s own country is the “center” of the world in a cultural or historical standpoint</span>
John Brown stirred up a lot of controversy with his attack on "Harper's" Ferry in Virginia, since this was a raid aimed at arming slaves and freedman alike in order to inspire a massive revolt.
I can answer your question for A.
South America and North America began to exchange goods and both of their economies prospered, and the Monroe doctrine dictated that European powers were forbidden from interfering or colonizing South America
Hi! The cultural aspects of the ciry-state impact the from of government because the greeks were in some ways independently -minded and developed a culture of individual freedom where it was considered by many a disgrace to work for someone else. This independence led the lower classes to want to participate in government, and promoted democracy - not today's representative democracy where a member of parliament is supposed to represent the citizens within an electorate, but rather direct democracy, where all the citizens met in assembly each fortnight and made decisions directly on matters put to them by a council, which latter saw to the implementation of their decisions. So I hope that help :)