All of the are associate Justices of Supreme court. David Hackett Souter was associate justice of supreme court from October 1990 until 2009, <span>Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an associate Justice of supreme court she is justice from august 10, 1993, after Sandra Day O'Connor she</span> is the second female justice to be confirmed, Clarence Thomas is also associate justice of supreme court he is Justice of supreme court since October 23, 1991. Stephen Breyer is also an associate justice of Supreme Court. he is a justice of supreme court from august 3, 1994.
Forgetfulness is a common phenomenon. There are two phenomena that can explain why we forget information. These events are part of a process called Interference, which is divided into: retroactive and proactive interference. The feedback happens when we have a saved information and, later, we receive more relevant new information. In this case, the nervous system gives priority to the second. Proactive interference is the opposite phenomenon. ” This overlapping and mixing of information overloads and stresses the brain, causing forgetfulness.
The correct answer is: "FICA".
FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. It establishes a mechanism through which both employers and employees make their contributions and fund the Social Security system and the provision of Medicare benefits.
Such funding is used at a federal level to provide income support to individuals who are retired, who suffer disabilities or, for example, to the families (children) of deceased workers.
Base on what i think, development is where a country advances itself.(what i think)
a shrinking population is beneficial in terms of job employment. lesser people-> lesser competition for jobs-> more people earning money for the country-> country spends lesser on helping those without jobs/financially unstable.
a shrinking population is harmful to development whereby the country has lesser people being born-> lesser “brains”/creative minds to help develop the country faster
The notion that we learn by observation holds very true especially with children; Rogoff discovered things and carefully noted that a child's cognitive level is raised unto new levels of understanding through guilded participation.
Vygotsky discovered similarly that children are made to perform adult task through guided participation.