Pyramid temples of Egypt....
Temples fell into 2 prinicipal types; cult temples and funerary or mortuary temples. The cult temples housed images of the gods; while the mortuary temples were created as shrines to dead kings.
The media are businesses whose main objective is profit maximization. It is also true that they are required by law to care for certain ethical standards but, in general, they show the contents that will attract a larger audience. They do not care on whether these contents can be giving visibility to candidates whose political proposals are bad for the welfare of citizens. I got this from someone.
One could say that a black man being elected president could be liberation for the civil rights movement. African Americans finally having the opportunity to be seen in public office. Their opinions and beliefs being valued at a presidential level just the same as a white man. The civil rights movement was a movement for African Americans to have equal rights and opportunities as non African Americans. I'm sure Barack Obama being president could uplift the minority since they have been working fruitlessly for that opportunity. An opportunity that is but a human right for African Americans to have equal opportunity in their country.
<span>When the marginal benefit of applying additional fertilizer will no longer be greater than the marginal cost of the fertilizer, the marginal costs would equal or exceed the marginal benefits from enhanced growth. It will result into shortage of additional fertilizer thus it will only pay for the exact number of fertilizers needed. There are no longer extra fertilizer that can be used for emergencies.</span><span />