A large truck or suitcase, typically made of stiff leather and opening into two equal parts.
Ambidextrous able to use both hands with equal ease
• ambiguity something that does not have a clear meaning
• ambition (1) a specific goal or aim
(2) is apart of ambition.) (2) a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous
• ambivalence (1) simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something or
• ambience (1) the feeling or mood of a specific place
• amphibian (1) an animal that can live both on land and water
• amphibious (1) able to be used both on land and in water
• amphitheater (1) a large building or outdoor space with seats in curved, raised rows around an open space
• ambulance (1) a vehicle specially equipped for transporting injured or sick
people, especially in an emergency
• instructions (1) a statement that tells the reader how to do something
Hope this helps
Radhe radhe
Inner Turmoil.
35 Option A is correct Imagery is the use of vivid language to represent objects, actions, or ideas. In both quotations, the authors use imagery to convey a sense of inner turmoil.