What makes us human the most is our self-awareness and the ability of philosophical thought.
We understand we exist on Earth and wonder why the sky is blue, which is a trait no other species possesses.
Orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, orcas and bonobos all have self-awareness. But still don't wonder why the sky is blue.
Animals were seen capable of doing all the other factors.
This injury is fatal because, The phrenic nerve regulates breathing and operates the diaphragm.
The motor ability is provided by the Nerve called Phrenic nerve to the diaphragm. This is a muscle that is very important for the respiration to take place in human. When a damage or injury occurs to the Phrenic nerve, it may result in the paralysis of diaphragm.
When this is damages there may be difficulties in breathing and only small amount of air can be inhaled. Thus the paralysis of this nerve results in the prevention of the victim to find difficulties in respiration. Thus, the example given is fatal because, the phrenic nerve regulates breathing and operates the diaphragm.
You would predict that indoleacetic acid, a plant hormone, would have is a Auxin.
A chemical known as indoleacetic acid (IAA) is produced by plants and a few microorganisms (3, 4). IAA is important for both root and shoot growth in plants. By means of an efflux pump (PIN1-7) and a specified importer (AUX1), the hormone travels from one area of the plant to another (5, 6).
Auxin mainly help in complex mechanism of a plant , which lead many metabolic activities in plant .
What is Auxin ?
- Auxin plays a crucial role in controlling plant growth and development by regulating embryonic development, root and stem tropisms, apical dominance, and the transition to blooming.
- It is used to start off shoot growth in culture and encourages lateral and accidental shoot growth.
- Aids in overcoming auxin-induced apical dominance.
- Encourage the development of leaves' chloroplasts.
- Encourages the mobilization of nutrients and delays leaf senescence.
To learn more about Auxin visit :
The cells are different between the different layers of a bone because each layer protects something different than the rest.
Answer: El jabón permite eliminar las gotas del virus expulsadas por otra persona, las cuales se pueden encontrar en diversas superficies.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud establece que una de las formas para evitar la propagación del virus es con el lavado constante de las manos con jabón. Esta medida se debe a que las personas a lo largo del día llegan a tocar diversas superficies y a manipular objetos que pudieran haber entrado en contacto con alguien que tiene el virus. Como una persona no puede identificar si en alguna superficie u objeto hay partículas del virus, la prevención es lavarse las manos.
Se sabe que el virus se puede encontrar en cualquier superficie u objeto que una persona toque, este puede permanecer ahí durante horas acorde del material con el cual este fabricado. Si la persona toca algo y directamente lleva sus manos a cualquier parte de la cara como boca, nariz u ojos, el virus puede entrar y producirse el contagio.