Importancia de la tecnología en el crecimiento económico de los países. ... El desarrollo de estas vías tecnológicas aporta un aspecto positivo como el ahorro del tiempo, la disminución de los esfuerzos de los trabajadores que permite una economía progresiva.
The following code is written in Java. It creates the interface/prototype, the function, and the main method call. The function takes in the three int parameters, adds them, and then checks if the sum equals zero, outputting the correct boolean value. Output can be seen in the picture attached below. Due to technical difficulties I had to add the code as a txt file below.
#First we define the variables to house the temperatures
#temp is an empty array that will be used to store the temperature
Temp = []
#The months is defined as stated below
months = 12
#Ask the user for the temperature input and unit if possible
print("Kindly enter the temperature here")
#the program enter loop to get the temperatures.
for x in range(months):
InitTemp = str(input("Kindly add the unit behind the number .eg C for celcius"))
for x in range(len(Temp)):
print("The Temperature is", " ", Temp[x], "for the ", j, "Month" )
#there is an attached photo for the flowchart
There are 0.5 strides in one girth
so 4.5 strides will be equal to 9 girth
hope it helps