For greater clarity, please enclose the divisor (x-2) inside parentheses. Thx.
Divide x-2 into 3x^2 + 7x + 1:
3x + 13
x-2 / 3x^2 + 7x + 1
3x^2 - 6x
13x + 1
13x - 26
-27 (remainder)
The quotient here is 3x + 13 - ------
The slant asymptote is the line y = 3x + 13. Note that -27 / (x-2) goes to zero as x grows large in either direction (positive or neg).
Note that you are looking for the "oblique" or "slant" asymptote here; there is no "horizontal" involved.
=3/9-2/9 Multiply 1/3 by 3/3 (1) to get common denominator to subtract
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this problem, we need to multiply add 15% of 4,000 back to 4,000.
First, change 15% into a decimal:
15% ->
-> 0.15
Next, multiply 4,000 by 0.15:

The last step is to add the 600 back to 4,000:

The population of Smallburg the following year was 4,600.
Step-by-step explanation: