1. A. Pseudomonas and E. coli
2. B. Red without black center
3. B. Salmon/orange
Pseudomonas is referred to as an oxidase positive bacteria while E. Coli is an oxidase negative bacteria. The use of the oxidase test will be helpful in the differentiation of the two Bacteria according to their oxidase activity/properties.
Colonies of Red without black center color is what is expected on HE agar if shigellosis is suspected.
Colonies of Salmon/Orange color is what is expected on HE agar if Enterococcus sp. is suspected.
In the population with a large number of individuals, the mutation would only have a small impact, while a population with only 18 individuals would result in a very large i off as the mutation would be in a greater percentage of the population.
O+ (O positive) if you have neither A nor B antigens but you have rhesus antigens.
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