(B) Degradation of p35 results in increased synaptic activity.
G and K
Crossing-over is a genetic phenomenon that occurs in meiosis, specifically, Prophase I. It is when chromosomal segment (genes) are exchanged between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Crossing-over occurs only to genes that are UNLINKED i.e. genes located on different chromosomes or far apart on the same chromosome.
This unlinked genes are said to have the highest RECOMBINATION FREQUENCY. Crossing-over allows genes on the same chromosome but far apart from each other, assort independently, which allows alleles to be recombined on the same chromosome. This phenomenon does not occur to genes that are close on the same chromosome as they will be inherited together as a unit.
In this case, G and K are the farthest apart, hence, they will have the highest RECOMBINATION FREQUENCY i.e. the likelihood for homologous crossing-over to take place during meiosis.
Eye colour
Eye colour is passed by your parents, what ever colour they have will determine what the child would have
If it was like two brown eyes the child would have brown eyes
If it was two different colours whatever colour which is more dominent will detirmen the colour of the child's eye