I don't know you should figure that out good luck
good luck
Through the target's web server's log.
A web server is a server software or a hardware that is fully dedicated to the running of that software. It satisfies a user's request on the www that is the World Wide Web. A web server can, contain just one or more websites.
It processes incoming network requests over HTTP and several other related protocols.
It also stores the webpages the user have visited in the past. Tracking the target's web server to know what enter or left can expose the hacker that is scanning a user's web server.
<em>A player centric game would be one of the best game where the player would navigate till the end of the game. </em>
It is the game, where the designer considered himself as <em>a player and make the background picture, music, character, challenge </em>everything would be tackled in a fun-filled way.
A <em>designer centric game would be a one, where the player wouldn’t enjoy playing and will never be able to complete the entire game</em> and would have been tired of listening to the background music and other <em>unfriendly aspects in the game.</em>