Tyrell possesses <u>referent</u> power.
Referent power is understood to be a term used in social psychology, which designates a type of dominance or obedience that some people exercise over others. The term of referent power is widely used in the business environment, to designate the power exercised by some members, such as managers or middle managers of companies, which through their conduct, efficiency, honesty, charisma, and other personal aspects, are taken as an example by subordinates as a model to follow identifying with the person who wields that power.
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Social interactions – A pre-defined process on which we act and how to react to those around us, Symbolic interaction - a theory that develops from practical considerations and alludes to an environment that may really exist, Small-scale patterns – interactions between individuals. These are the association of microanalysis in sociology. It is associated with them except the Conflict Theory.
Between the years 1778 and 1783, the nations of France and England disputed a war between each other. Both nations were the greatest powers on Earth during that time, and the conflict was a result of both parties trying to beat the other in relation to the amount of colonies they had, specially in America.
It can be said that the biggest winner of this conflict was neither France or England, but the United States of America. The north-american country benefited from the conflict for many years, simply by serving both sides.