Endomysium is a thin layer of loose connective tissue which surrounds an individual myocyte or muscle fiber. Collagen is one of the most abundant protein found in this layer. Endomysium also connects the near by muscle fibers to each other. These fibers are then able to exchange various ions necessary for muscle contraction.
Above the level of endomysium, there is perimysium which forms the covering of a bundle of muscle fibers. Even above this level is epimysium which covers the whole muscle.
there is a good chance the population of mice will die off or the mice will migrate to a new area.
with there being so many mice and limited food mice will beging to die from starvation. mice might also migrated to a new area to find new food. this could cause competition for food in that new area too.
Likewise, competition for food among deep-water fish that eat the same types of food will .
Natural selection will condemn all deep-sea fish to the same environment that conditions them, those that cannot develop gills will be exposed to extinction, this refers to the theory of the evolution of the fittest by Charles Darwin.
D. sum of all chemical reactions in an organism
Heart attack
Heart attack is the death of a part of heart muscles and severe pain that causes heart constriction having pain in the chest which spread to the left shoulder and down the arm thereby causing the feeling of pressure in the chest.
This is caused when a blood clots blocks blood flow to the heart thereby leading makes the tissue to loss oxygen and die.
The symptom of heart attack are;
pain in the chest, neck, back or arms, fatigue, lightheadedness, abnormal heartbeat and anxiety, nausea.
Treatment ranges from surgery, medication , rehabilitation e.t.c.