Answer:Many investors invest in debt by purchasing SECURITIES, which can be bought and sold. Consumers and businesses are able to purchase BONDS from governments and private companies, which are debt certificates. Investors can also purchase DEBTS by buying the rights to loans and mortgages.
Investment products usually fall into one of two categories: equity securities or debt instruments. You can think of these categories as "ownership" vs. "loanership." When you buy an equity security, such as stock or real estate, you have an ownership position in the investment. When you buy a debt instrument, such as a corporate or government bond, you are actually loaning money to the issuer in exchange for a stated rate of interest and a promise to repay the loan at a future date.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La explicación del texto "Somos integrantes de una sociedad, formamos parte de la cultura. Crecemos y nos educamos en ella y a la vez, contribuimos a construirla y modificarla," sería la siguiente.
Somos ciudadanos de un país que está formado por una diversidad de etnias y formas de pensar, unidos por un mismo concepto de soberanía que significa la capacidad de crear un gobierno autónomo e independiente de cualquier influencia exterior, representado básicamente por el territorio, la forma de gobierno y nosotros los ciudadanos.
Nosotros como ciudadanos formamos la cultura del país por medio de nuestro sistema de creencias, valores, costumbres, lenguaje y tradiciones. Eso es lo que nos hace ser un país único ante el mundo, a pesar de que al interior existan diversas formas de pensar, de acuerdo a nuestros orígenes.
El que pueden ejercer su libre derecho a elegir su propia forma de gobierno y a sus gobernantes, para convertirse en estados democráticos en donde se respete la ley. Crecemos en esta cultura que ha sido heredada por nuestros padres y nosotros la heredaremos a nuestros hijos. A nosotros nos toca seguir construyendo esa identidad y cultura para perfeccionarla.
They generally think that emotions is one way of developing
or one way of contribution to the evolution of men as they think that emotions
are patterns in which they affect the individual’s behavior and how they were
able to cope up with their every day life.
D. Claims are paid to the policyowner separately by each insurer participating in the reinsurance agreement.
Option D is correct because it does not apply to reinsurance.
In reinsurance, the company known as the insurer accepting part of the risk that are being transferred from another insurer is known as the reinsuring company.
Also, the insurer that is seeking to transfer part of its risk to another insurer is called the ceding company. Reinsurance is a risk sharing process between the insuring companies. Insurer that transfers part of his risk to another insurer does that in order to limit their total loss which they might incur in the case of any disaster.