As hunters and gatherers before they discovered farming.
<span>Vultures are enemies of and are deliberately targeted by poachers, who kill the birds to stop them from circling the carcasses of illegally slain animals and thus alerting authorities.</span>
Non-participant observation
Patti does an observation type study. These types of studies can be divided into two groups: participant and non-participant observation.
As Patti wants to be unnoticed by the children, she is using the non-participant approach to studying. Here, the researcher does not form a part of a group and/or even becomes a member of it but deliberately stays apart from it. His main goal is to observe the behavior of such a group in a natural setting and without interfering himself.
when someone is caught trying to valuable private property in a culture that views private property as a basic value he will likely be fined and imprisoned based on the laws of the place.
basic value these refers those values or things that are core to human beings