The key you need to press together with the click to be able to redirect to a hyperlink is the Control key.
In an electronic environment, a hyperlink is usually a word or phrase, highlighted in blue and underlined, or even an image, found in a web text and containing the command to "transfer" the user to another relevant web page, from the source node to the destination node.
By selecting this word or phrase the user has the ability to further research a topic from a variety of perspectives to compare information from different sources and actors.
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The green-blue circuit board you can see in the first photo includes the disk controller, a circuit that allows the computer to operate the drive's mechanisms and read/write data to and from it. ... A small hard drive typically has only one platter, but each side of it has a magnetic coating
Style would be the great and best answer but you could add office decor
If you set the error alert style to Stop, then you are asking Excel to prevent the user from typing in an invalid value.
So, this is an answer of your choice. What it is trying to ask is tell us what your dream home, job, husband, and so on. For example: My dream home is a mansion in Mississippi by the beach. My dream job is a doctor. Those are prime examples of a dream home and job. Now your answer shouldn't be the same as mine. Your's should be something different. Unless, you want a mansion in Mississippi by the beach and you would like to be a doctor. In other words it is asking you to tell us what you want you home, lifestyle, job, friends, and possibly your DREAM pet. Hope this helps.