Oparin-Haldane hypothesis. The Oparin-Haldane hypothesis is named after the two scientists; <span>Russian scientist Aleksandr Oparin and English scientist J. B. S. Haldane. The two scientists separately hypothesized that life began when some inorganic molecules were converted into organic molecules specifically amino acids by the help of energy came from a lightning struck.</span>
Passive transport vs active transport sounds like what it is. In passive transport, there is no energy needed to get the molecules across the cell membrane, whereas in active transport, energy is expended getting the molecules across the membrane. Basically in active transport the ATP in your cells gives one of it’s phosphates to the transport proteins in your cell membrane and it lets select molecules in. These molecules are moving through a concentration gradient during active transport(with the help of ATP), from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
Carbon based molecules have 3 main structures which are
straight chain
branched chains
The structure or shape of carbon can be a straight chain, branched chained or in the form of rings. Examples of straight chain carbon includes propane, butane and pentane. Examples of branched chain carbons include members of the alkyl group like methyl and ethyl. Ring shaped carbons form structures in the form of rings like benzene which forms a six carbon ring. All these structures are made and dependent on the ability of carbon molecules to form four covalent bonds. Enormous, complex molecules can be formed by the binding of carbon chains to carbon rings. The carbon based molecules are very important as they are the basic buiilding blocks of life. Many important molecule like the DNA, RNA, lipids are made up of carbon atoms.
During meiosis, homologous chromosomes may exchange genetic material during a process called "crossing over."