This act helped recently freed African Americans get on their feet after a lifetime of slavery by providing them with a portion of land to cultivate as their own.
Even though the human race is essentially the same as we are all humans, different people have different biological races. There are many types of human races and each race depends on the backgrounds of the parents, where they live in the world and their ethnicity. So, <span>"biological race" is an evolutionarily valuable way to describe human variation. </span>
The answer to this question is old people= democrats<span>
The baby boomers grew up in period of prosper. Therefore, the majority of them held social justice as their main core of politic (which is the main focus of democratic party during that time)
As they grow older, this political preference remain the same and cause a lot of old people start to shifted to democrats</span>
Explanation: MOV instruction copies a word or byte from a specified source to a specified destination. The destination can be a register or a memory location. The source can be a register or a memory location or an immediate number .
For MOV CX 037AH: put immediate number 037AH to CX
For MOV BL, (437AH) : copy byte in Ds at offset 437AH to BL
For MOV AX BX : copy content register BX to AX
For MOV DL, (BX) : copy byte from memory at(BX) to DL
That identifies the differences. Good luck.
If your choices are the following:
<span>A.When you were in school, you got to take a wide variety of electives, and you grew up to become members of the school board!
B.A poll of the student body shows that 88 percent of struggling students feel more motivated to come to school because of their electives. 
C.I am a straight-A student, and my art class is one of the best parts of my day. Without it, I wouldn't look forward to coming to school.
D.You might not remember this, but teenagers don't like being forced to spend all their time studying boring subjects.
So the answer, for me, would be </span>B.A poll of the student body shows that 88 percent of struggling students feel more motivated to come to school because of their electives.  This will give a proof about my claim.