Idk honestly that’s some bs I don’t even know what physical means
The body mass index BMI of an adopted child will be not at all related to the BMI of the adoptive parents and strongly related to the BMI of the biological parents. The father and mother whose DNA a child inherits are commonly referred to as the child's biological parents.
Although they are not need to be blood relations, as in the case of an adopted child, legal parents have a legal family connection to the child. There are 8 different words that can be used in place of the word biological-parent on this page, including birth-father, biological-father, birth-mother, birth-parent, birth parent, father, mother, and natural parent.
To learn more about adoptive child, click here.
Pyruvic acid supplies energy to living cells through the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle) when oxygen is present (aerobic respiration), and alternatively ferments to produce lactic acid when oxygen is lacking (fermentation).Hope it helps
ewan ko kung tama ikaw na bahala sayo naman tan eh di saken