The enzyme Topoisomerase functions to prevent super-coiling of the DNA molecule during replication.
- During replication, topoisomerases are required to relieve the positive supercoiling that arises from DNA unwiding mediated by Helicases.
- A DNA topoisomerase is a nuclease that breaks a phosphodiester bond in a DNA strand.
- All topoiomereases are classified as Topoisomerase I and Topoisomerase II depending on whether they cleave one or two strands respectively.
- Topoisomerase I do not use ATP as a source of energy, the reaction is powered by energy stored in super-coiled DNA.
- Topoisomerase II also do not require external energy but it utilizes ATP hydrolysis to drive conformation changes in the protein during reaction cycle.
The part of the DNA that carries information and makes the organism unique is the genes and or chromosomes that make up that certain gene. Your genes are passed down by your parents and are called your genetic makeup. Such as genes for what your eye color is. They carry the information of which parent gave you that gene and if it is recessive or dominant. Specifically you will find this in the chromosomes cellular makeup and or nucleus.
Plants needs mineral salts or nitrates to grow, there are much more nitrates in the roots of the plants than in the dirt so the plant will defuse out of the roots into the soil.
Plants, microorganisms, and animals
The answer is carrying capacity