Rift Valley
This happens when the plates pull apart. They don’t collide and are not any form of mountains.
When an individual is dehydrated, his or her intravenous fluids should be isotonic, because either a hypertonic or hypotonic IV would both cause damage to the individual’s red blood cells. Isotonic solutions are used: to increase the EXTRACELLULAR fluid volume because of blood loss, surgery, dehydration, fluid loss that has been loss extracellularly.
There are many way's we change local ecosystems one way is urbanization.
If the human race keeps building on more land ecosystems will die out and animals will become extinct.
Sinh vật nhân sơ chỉ có một RNA Polymerase, trong khi sinh vật nhân chuẩn có ba (RNA Polymerase I, phiên mã rRNA; II, phiên mã mRNA; và III, phiên mã tRNA).