I think the Iphone is better the Google Pixels. That's just my opinion but some people like google pixels better.
Cache is the fastest and most expensive, RAM is slower and less expensive, and virtual memory is the slowest and least expensive type.
True is the right answer.
The term net neutrality can be defined as the principle which states that all internet service providers treat all communication channels i.e wired or wireless channels equally.
In net neutrality, there can not be any discrimination on the basis of the website, user, protocol, hardware or application.
In net neutrality, the internet service provider can not charge the user on the basis of some specific content.
Hence the most appropriate answer is true.
Cleaning up a system helps clear up the space on the drives. It may also clear up processor usage, ram usage if you uninstall programs that automatically started when the system booted. You may also delete some unwanted programs in the process.
the author has not considered other points of view.