Maybe you should take him to the hospital/doctor or go tell a nearby adult.
yes even though it is hard for me for people around to sometimes be nice to black people and happy martin lurther king jr.
You should be good , next time just get a detox , it tastes super disgusting but it works
375 grams of carbohydrate should he be eating per day.
To stay fit and active healthy diet is required. Diet must be enriched with proper quantity of fibre, carbohydrate and vitamins. Carbohydrate gives strength in the body and to maintain that strength one needs to take healthy diet everyday. Total calorie intake of Hameed is 2500 per day.
He wants to take 60% of his claorie in the form of carbohydrate. For that he needs to have 375 gms calorie per day. In half marathon body needs strength and stamina so that weakness, fatigue must be avoided. Glycogen stores should be up to the mark so that this lacuna can be avoided.
<span><span> WorldCitizen </span> <span> Ambitious </span> </span><span><span> </span> </span> This is a Verified Answer × Verified answers contain reliable, trustworthy information vouched for by a hand-picked team of experts. Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members, but verified answers are the finest of the finest. The best answer is that this is a value conflict.
We assume here that John cares about his work -his work must them have some value to him.
But his religion also has a value to him and both impose different constrains on him - so there is a value conflict.