Correlation coefficient.
This is explained to be the numerical measure of some correlation types or strength statistically of relationship between two variables. It is most times seen to bre helpful when investing in the financial markets. In certain instances, correlation can be helpful in determining how well a mutual fund performs relative to its benchmark index, or another fund or asset class.
This correlation statistic or coefficient here is seen also to permit investors to determine when the correlation between two variables changes. This is seen in bank stocks where it is seen to typically have a highly-positive correlation to interest rates since loan rates are often calculated based on market interest rates.
Socially useful part of society.
Carl Jung
He called them archetype.
Archetypes are inherent, universal pre-conscious psychic provisions forming a substratum for the emergence of the fundamental themes of human existence, they are elements of a community of unconscious individuals and serve to organize, guide and advise the reasoning and conduct of the person. Psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung suggested that the persona of all comprises four main archetypal components. These are models for our behaviour, influencing our way of thinking and doing. Jung classified the self, persona, shadow and Anima /Animus as these archetypes.
A) pensive
Melancholy means
a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
The answer is dopamine. The drug, chlorpromazine, has the capability of blocking dopamine in which helps schizophrenic patients for they were able to calm the patients that are schizophrenic in regards with their emotional feelings. This has help them calm down as it has the function of blocking the dopamine receptors.