Well I'm not going to write it for you but here's an outline:
p1- How did it feel physically? (pain, breathing, etc). How did it feel mentally? (draining, exhausting)
p2- How can you prevent physical reactions to stress? (breathing exercises, eating healthy) Mental reaction? (looking for positives in the situation rather then negative)
The perineum is the region between the thighs inferior to the pelvic diaphragm. The boundaries of this region are the same as that for the pelvic outlet, namely the pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, sacrotuberous ligaments, and coccyx. The perineum has a roof formed by the pelvic diaphragm and a floor of fascia and skin. It also contains the muscles and neurovasculature associated with urogenital structures and the anus.
Yes be cause it is a question of health
Hope to affect act or react on the basis of doctor prescription
Being a surgical nurse because you have to walk around a lot, or being a nba played and I think I would like to be the nurse but I mean the nba is more cool lol