It's e because it's a long Chain of carbon and hydrogen. It helps the rate of the metabolism allowing to digest quicker in your small intestent.
Motor neurons:
A. Function:
It relay messages coming from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles or organs.
B. Structure:
●Presence of long axons due to long distances the signals have to travel to the muscle its stimulating.
●It's myelinated, to assist the signal in travelling long distances as soon as possible.
Sensory neurons:
A. Function: its sensory receptors respond to stimuli by converting it into an electrical signal to the brain or spinal cord.
B. Structure:
●Presence of long dendrites / axons
● its myelinated
●since it's found in the middle of the neuron it forms ganglia that unites in the spinal cord and aid in involuntary reflexes.
● shorter than motor or sensory neurons
● has branches, a lot of branches consisting of axons and dendrites off the cell body to enable multiple simultaneous between neurons
● It's body is partially myelinated.
●occurs in large clusters of neurons to compensate for its partial myelination to speed up the signal
Answer: The ocean dissolves carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and it is used by phytoplankton during photosynthesis.
Lysosomes use a degenerative enzyme to eliminate un necessary materials from the cell and recycle parts that can be re used, much like a recycling centers eliminate waste from cities and find ways to reuse it.