This is often referred to as the clinical approach. The clinical approach is also known as the threshold approach to clinical decision making. This approach combines rational and quantitative information with a general approach to decision making. In this situation, say you were hiring a new employee, a person using the clinical approach would look at their resume in how they match up with numbers and on paper to the candidate their looking for but also who they are as a person in a general sense.
D) It is generally more expensive to obtain than primary data.
A) It may not exist.
Problem. Primary data may not yet be available due to its sensitivity of the primary data.
B) It may not be relevant
Problem. Published data may not be applicable to your region. For example published data for Asia might not be applicable to Africa.
C) It may not be impartial.
Problem. Primary data used to create the secondary data might not treated all rivals equally.
D) It is generally more expensive to obtain than primary data.
Not a problem. Secondary data is not expensive as compared to primary data.
E) It may not be current.
Problem. Primary data collected might be out of date thus can not be used recent decisions as many things would have changed.
<span>Researchers have discovered that "cyber-ostracism" by strangers elicits increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex. If a stranger experience cyber-ostracism that means that they have been excluded or have excluded someone which could create emotions of bitterness or loneliness, superiority. The anterior cingulate cortex controls human emotions, so it would be responsible for the making the stranger experience any feelings that occurs during cyber-ostracism.</span>
If you want to make sure it's interesting, you have to cater your speech/talk to your target audience. This is good advice. A 15-page detailed Powerpoint presentation with note cards would do as much good when presenting to kindergarteners as a water hose would do good in a flood. But, say, it was a fire, then the water hose might come in handy. In our case, your boss at the business meeting would find your Powerpoint much more interesting than kindergarteners would.
Hope this helps! Have a nice day :)
A fair value option is the alternative for a business to record its financial instruments at the fair values. Liabilities are company's financial debts or obligations that arise in the course of business operations. They may be long term or short term. In this case, if the fair value of the liability decreases, the firm should respond by crediting the unrealized Holding Gain/loss in the income account.