"After we left practice" is a dependent clause that isn't a full sentence on its own, and "I went swimming" and "Mark ran around the track" are two independent clauses linked by a conjunction
I believe she is wearing a more confused or puzzled look on her face.
Always easier to trick another when you come off as oblivious and uncertain/uneducated.
Both B and D use "publish" instead of published which is not on the correct tense, so we can rule those out. Then, I looked for another error, and you need an a before "patent clerk." So A, the other viable answer, was ruled out. C is correct.
You need to give us the text
The first challenges to confront Frodo dramatize his inexperience. He is indecisive, delaying his departure from the Shire as long as possible even though he knows the task is urgent. He opts to risk the dangers of the Old Forest, nearly getting himself and his friends killed — twice. He behaves foolishly in Bree, drawing unnecessary attention to himself. And he gives in to the temptation to put on the Ring at Weathertop, making himself vulnerable to the Ringwraiths' attack.
Nevertheless, Frodo survives both the obvious dangers and his own mistakes. The novel attributes his success to two main factors. First, as Gandalf is fond of pointing out, hobbits are tougher than they look, and simple toughness — the ability to endure hardship and move past it — goes a long way in this struggle. Second, Frodo does not want and never sought the power of the Ring, meaning that he continues to resist its lure. Although he lapses momentarily at Weathertop, he reiterates his commitment to resist at the Ford of Bruinen. Heroism does not require perfection, only the aspiration to do good.