b or d but i mostly think its b
Bacon's Rebellion
Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley. About a thousand Virginians rebelled because they begrudged Governor Berkeley's friendly policies towards the Native Americans.
It's in state department Telegrams to all Diplomats and Consulates that said
"this Govt may within this next few hours recognize Provisional Jewish Govt as de facto authority of the Jewish state"
The condition that helped Carter become an unpopular president was the Iran hostage crisis, which portrayed him as a cold-hearted person and made an emphasis on his ability to deny the crisis that was being forced on the Iranian community through Shah Pahlavi.
Carter ignored the situation of Iran by saying that everything was fine and referred the country as “The oasis of peace in the middle east” while innocent people were being killed and tortured. This caused a group of Iranian students to kidnap a number of 52 Americans and held them hostage for 444 days, as a protest for Carter’s behavior.