The enzyme is unchanged so that, it can be reused when more substrate is available.
to know more ,enzymes about Biological Catalyst that are used to speed up the rate of a biological reaction but are not used up at the end of the reaction
The correct answer is d) genomic imprinting.
Genomic imprinting is a biological process by which specific modifications in the germ line that produce differences in the expression of the genetic material that is biochemically marked indicating its parental origin. The Prader-Willi syndrome is one of the best known and most studied examples in relation to pathologies produced by genomic imprinting. Prader-Willi syndrome is a complex genetic disease that is fundamentally neurological. Its appearance is due to a deletion of a fragment of chromosome 15 derived from the father.
Small rivers and streams may join together to become larger rivers. Eventually all this water from rivers and streams will run into the ocean or an inland body of water like a lake.
Prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles
Most adult placental mammals have no remaining trace of the cloaca. Being placental animals, humans only have an embryonic cloaca, which is split up into separate tracts during the development of the urinary and reproductive organs.