Land is considered the primary factor of production. Land is rich in coal, water and petroleum, which are used for generating power. Land is required to construct factories and industries to carry out the production process. A nation's economic wealth is directly related to the richness of its natural resources.
The 14th Amendment guarantees Equal protection
The 14th Amendment addresses various matters regarding the citizenship and rights of the citizens. This amendment guaranteed that all individuals would be treated the same way without any sort of discrimination, and this shall be done regardless of the circumstances.
This ensures the protection of civil rights and allows a government to rule impartially without making any distinctions based on matters of irrelevance. When an individual feels that either the federal or the state government has violated this clause, he /she can file a lawsuit against the government for relief.
Best effort under writing
In a best effort underwriting, the issuer agrees to pay a stated amount of its securities to the underwriter or the agent for the issuer and the public and also ensures to find the best investor. The issuer on the other promises to pay underwriter a certain amount as fee for providing help in this matter.
Both the issuer and the underwriter can agree to the condition of all or none or a certain minimum percentage underwriting.
This form of underwriting is suitable for small underwriters.
The Social Contract Theory
The Social Contract theory was a theory created by Hobbes and Locke to view that a person's moral and/or political obligations is dependent on a contract.
<span>Human factors psychology is the study of how workers interact with the tools of work and how to design those tools to optimize workers' productivity, safety, and health.Such psychologists study how people interact with machines and technology.Tjey use psychical science to guide the design of products, systems and devices.</span>