The advice that Machiavelli gave the princess regarding the princess was the end justify the means.
And a ruler can do anything that will promote the power of the states, including using religion.
A decompose is an animal or a fungi like a mushroom that breaks down other dead plants and animals.
According to the figure, I believe it’s 16.
Deductive Reasoning
The given condition is an example of deductive reasoning. Two arguments are related that bring a valid conclusion given the conditions hold true to both.
Deductive Reasoning: Process of making logical arguments by facts and logic.
Condition 1--- Jason can run 100 meter in 15 seconds
Condition 2--- Sarah is faster at racing any distance
Conclusion--- Sarah can run 100 meter in less than 15 seconds
Reason: Since Sarah is faster than Jason in any race therefore she can win run faster than him at any given condition. Jason runs 100 meter in 15 seconds which means Sarah can run the same distance in less than 15 seconds as she is faster than him.
necessary, not sufficient
Water is a necessary, not sufficient condition for staying alive.