In stage one, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cell in a process called glycolysis. In stage two, the pyruvate molecules are transported into the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the organelles known as the energy "powerhouses" of the cells
because the solute concentration is higher outside than inside, water exits through endoctocys
The potato crop devastation occurred in Ireland for not using one single potato species.
Potato became the staple crop of 18th Century Ireland and was easy to grow in the soil of this place. Later, it became the most dependent crop of the people of Ireland which made its supply very demanding leading to the yielding of more than one species of potatoes.
This yielding reduced the variety in the genetics of potatoes that helped in preventing the disease that affect potatoes by making the Irish people susceptible to famine. The Phytopthora bacteria affected the potatoes of North America in the year 1840 and Ireland’s moist weather in that same year made the blight to thrive.
Radiometric dating methods
Absolute dating is the process of determining an age on a chronological or specified time scale in which events occurred in archaeology and geology. Absolute dating can be determined by using properties of the atoms that make up materials.
The most common method of absolute dating uses by geologists is radiometric dating methods which is based on the natural radioactive decay of certain elements such as potassium and carbon found in the rocks. By comparing the ratio of parent isotope with a known half-life to daughter product in the rock, the age of the rock can be determined.
The carbon-14 isotope is used in radiocarbon dating, but is only useful for measuring recently formed rocks in the geologic past. The decay of Potassium-40 isotope known as potassium-argon (K-Ar) method allows dating of materials that up to 1,000 billion years old.
The first options answer is phloem while the second answer is roots