Los partidos políticos, con el fin de lograr o recuperar la credibilidad ante los ciudadanos, deben llevar a cabo tres importantes medidas:
- Hacer promesas creíbles: a pesar de que muchos piensan lo contrario, los ciudadanos suelen reconocer cuando están siendo engañados y les están prometiendo cosas imposibles de llevar a cabo, por esta razón, es importante, que los partidos políticos solo prometan cosas que realmente pueden llevar a la práctica.
- Cumplir en la medida de lo posible esas promesas: una vez el partido político accede al poder, este debe hacer todo lo posible por cumplir las promesas de campaña. Sino lo hacen, los votantes se sentirán defraudados y la credibilidad del partido disminuirá.
- Estar conformado por personas competentes que no sean corruptas: si los miembros del partido no están capacitados, no harán su trabajo bien, y el partido perderá credibilidad. Y sobra decir que un escándalo de corrupción es quizás lo que más reduce la credibilidad de un partido frente a sus votantes.
The answer is depression. It is because an individual who is depress has a likely cause of this mental condition when they feel isolated or alone in which elderly people usually are in; when someone feels lonely and that they live on their own, they are likely to feel emotions in which causing them to feel depressed.
The people of the indus valley
<span>Supreme Court of Oregon affirmed. Muller v. Oregon, 208 U.S. 412 (1908), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court. It was used to justify both sex discrimination and usage of labor laws. ... The ruling had important implications for protective labor legislation.</span>
The name which is given to the response is to reclaim freedom by doing exactly what we were told we are not allowed to do when someone threatens our freedom is:
According to the given question, we are asked to state the name which is given to the response is to reclaim freedom by doing exactly what we were told we are not allowed to do when someone threatens our freedom.
As a result of this, we can see that there is a will to be free and independent and when a person tries to threaten those freedom, then there is a chance that the people would do what they are not allowed to do in order to reclaim that freedom and this is called reactance.
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