The Nazi-Soviet Pact was formed when Hitler wanted the USSR to help invade Poland for a truce. However it was very obvious that Hitler intended to keep his promise.
James Madison explains and defends the checks and balances system in the Constitution. ... “It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices [checks and balances] should be necessary to control the abuses of government.
1. The ruler will not keep an army of his own.
2. British troops would be stationed permanently in the Indian ruler's territory.
3. The ruler would have to pay for the maintenance of these troops. The payment could be made in cash or kind, or by ceding a part of the ruler's territory.
4. It was compulsory for the Indian ruler to house a British resident in his court.
5. The ruler could not employ any non-British Europeans in his service or dismiss those who were there.
6. The ruler had to acknowledge the dominion of the British.
The House Un-American Acitivities Committee (HUAC) was a federal agency that sought out communism in the United States. The goal was to expose supposed communists or individuals with connections to the Soviet Union.
This had an enormous impact on the filmmaking industry. Filmmakers were sure to produce movies that were extremely patriotic and painted America in a positive light. Along with this, Hollywood filmmakers associated with communism were called into hearings by the government. Ten of these filmmakers refused to answer questions by the HUAC, as they felt their constitutional rights were being violated. These ten filmmakers, now known as the Hollywood Ten, were blacklisted in the industry and their careers were never able to recover.
The Treaty of Ghent was signed between the U.S. and Great Britain, ending the War of 1812. Which statement BEST describes the outcome of the War of 1812? Great Britain won control of Florida and Louisiana. Both sides agreed to return things to the way they were before the war.