1992 was the 500th anniversary of the day Columbus came to america. But in 1992 it was changed from Columbus day to indigenous peoples day. That is what led to massive protests in 1992.
No, the freedom of speech is one of the most important rights in a democracy along with the freedom of press. It allows several voices to rise and be heard. But it does not means that you can say whatever you want whenever you want.
You can find the foundations of the freedom of speech in the first amendment where it says:
<em>"Amendment I
<em>Congress </em><em>shall make no law </em><em>respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or </em><em>abridging the freedom of speech</em><em>, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" </em>
But there are exceptions to the rule. You can´t say whatever you want as the supreme court have showed in several cases. From this we can extract some categories where the first amendment doesn´t work:
- Incitement: When its directed to inciting or producing inminent lawless action.
- False statements of facts: there are some types of this unprotected according to the supreme court: those said with <em>"sufficiently culpable mental state" </em>can be subject of criminal or civil liability. Secondly libel and slander and finally negligent statements or facts can be subject of civil liability.
As a conclusion we can say that the freedom of speech is a fundamental right in a healthy democracy but we must take care of it. We can´t say whatever we want, well actually we can but you have to be responsible of your acts.
3 ways the industrial revolution changed America/
1. Caused more jobs all over America
2. Population shift- moving from rural agricultural to work in factories in cities
3. The rise of steam power, example: railways and steam powered machines
4. Mass production of goods, increased efficiency, reduced average costs and enabled more to be produced.
The absence of armed fight against the mother country (Spain and Portugal), and the result of each independence.
The main characteristic of the independence movements of the Spanish colonies is that in almost all there was a war between the colonists and colonizers that dragged on for some years and ended with the victory of the colonists. It was like that in Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, and Bolivia. In Brazil, <u><em>there were several conflicts during the Independence process, but none directly influenced the Declaration of Independence.</em></u>
The main difference between the Independence movements of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile is the result achieved by each country. In Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, declarations of Independence took these countries directly to the republican regime, while <u><em>in Brazil there was only a political break with the metropolis maintaining the entire system that was in force during the colony.</em></u>