"When I said you were a friend of Tom's, he started to abandon the whole idea. He doesn't know very much about Tom, though he says he's read a Chicago paper for years just on the chance of catching a glimpse of Daisy's name" (p.152)
D. Dirk is a fool and a coward.
Explanation:The blind man refuses to let his men leave, since he thinks the whistler ("Dirk") is a coward.
I think A, I could be wrong
The correct answer is present progressive.
It means that there is some progression, that something is going on at the moment when this sentence is taking place. So, they are currently climbing to the top of the Aztec temple.
Present emphatic would be 'they do climb,' basic present would be 'they climb,' and present perfect would be 'they have climbed.'
The pace of the writing slows.
A compound sentence is a connection between two main clauses, which are joined by a conjunction.
A single clause may be either independent or dependent. An independent clause makes sense in its own, whereas a dependent clause can't make sense without the prior context of an independent clause. Therefore, only an independent clause can be considered a complete clause.
When these two concepts are inserted into a work of literature, the level of detail in the story is extended. Thus, the reader gets more content to process, and the pace of story-telling is slowed.