Answer: Industrialized agriculture is highly concentrated and mechanized, relying on chemical inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and non-therapeutic antibiotics. However, sustainable agriculture, which uses methods that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare, is gaining traction.
The correct option is C.
Evolution refers to the gradual development of living organisms from earlier forms to the forms that exist today. One of the principal factors that lead to evolution is the ability of an organism to adapt to adverse changes in its environment. Organisms that are able to survive adverse changes in their environments usually go on to produce offspring that possess their parents' ability to survive. A good example of this is given in option C, where individuals with denser fur were able to survive from severe cold and then give birth to young ones that inherit their parents' ability to survive severe cold.
A sexual reproduction is being shown
In geology, a graded bed is one characterized by a systematic change in grain or clast size from one side of the bed to the other. Most commonly this takes the form of normal grading, with coarser sediments at the base, which grade upward into progressively finer onesI just learned about this in our rocks and minerals unit for science,